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Frequently Asked Questions

How much do your dresses cost?
Our order in wedding gowns range from £795 - £1695 and our off the peg sale dresses typically range from £299 - £899. We also offer payment plans on our dresses.
Prom: Our prom dresses range from £150 - £499.

Do I have to book an appointment?
Yes please, we ask you to book an appointment as we like to keep all appointments private, you will be the only bride in the store during your appointment as your privacy is important to us. Our prom and bridesmaids department are in an entirely separate building. 

How long is my appointment?
Your initial bridal appointment will usually last around an hour an a half, if you think you may require longer please let us know. For Prom the appointment is usually 1 hour. Please note we advise you to turn up no more than 5 minutes before your appointment as we do not have a waiting area, it is also advisable to arrive in a timely manner to enable you the best use of your appointment time.

How many people can I bring with me?
For Bridal appointments we recommend up to 3 but allow a maximum of 4, this is not only due to space but to also enable that we make the best use of your appointment time and to keep you as relaxed as possible.
For Prom appointments w
e recommend up to 2 but allow a maximum of 3 due to space restrictions.

Can I bring children?
We do welcome children however due to the delicate items in store please ensure that you bring an appropriate adult with you to supervise any young children.

How long before my wedding should I start trying on dresses?
As most of our dresses take up to 4 - 8 months to arrive in store upon ordering we usually suggest to visit us around 9 - 18 months prior to your wedding date, however please contact us if your wedding is within the next 6 months and we will recommend the best designers to suit you. Our off the peg dresses are available to take home straight away for last minute enquiries.

What sample sizes do you stock?
Our sample sizes currently range from 8 - 26 but can be ordered in a 4-28. Our off the peg dresses usually range from an 8-22.

Do you have parking?
We have on street parking opposite and to the side of our store, please come in and ask us if you are unsure on where to park.

How much do I have to pay upfront for my dress?
Our upfront payments will be on a percentage basis of the total order cost but you should expect to leave around £150 - £300.  Please note that 50% will need to be paid up front on order in dresses that are needed within 6 months of your appointment date.

What if I can't make my appointment or I'm running late?
If you can no longer make you appointment please send us a message and we can look at rearranging or cancelling this for you, if you are running late please let us know as soon as possible.

What if my dress needs altering?
We offer an in house alterations service for all of our customers. All alterations will be at an additional cost to the price of the dress and you will be quoted by an appointed seamstress. 

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